Wednesday 7 August 2013

Entry 15 - The Feminism makeup

What's feminism ?

Feminism is a ideology that defence female gender rights and also to empowered female inequality in the society. 

Feminism makeup ?

While i was thinking, why females put makeup ? Is that just because to get attraction or to just to become more beautiful ? After a deeper research, make up is not just being beautiful.  ?  But somehow this had created a conflict that people often say that woman with makeup are an anti- feminism. I would to have a argument to said, people often say that wearing a makeup is to appeal for man, while research shows that men prefer "natural" instead of makeup, i don't see how makeup are anti feminism action though while feminism are more that what you put on face. Feminism is an ideology to express their self, if wearing a make up could make you more confident why not? 

Why woman even bothered to put makeup ? 

 Wearing makeup is not a chose and it is to please men, but is a self esteem to myself. While makeup for woman are like a painting on a canvas, it become an art and turning something beautiful. 

Which part that determine a women to be feminism.

Lipstick feminism is so called the "third wave feminism". Some feminist they believe that lipstick feminism are a way of archiving equal right for woman but also a dilemma of displays in sexuality. 

While i do agree that woman putting make up aren't a anti feminism action, while putting make up is a way of increasing the self esteem, while the so call "feminism" that thinks woman wearing make up are anti feminism, how do they called them feminism where that they don't even have the courage to express them self how could they even fight for their own rights??


Alternet. 2012. Is Wearing Makeup a Feminist Act?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Aug 2013].

wiseGEEK. 2003. What is Lipstick Feminism? (with picture). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Aug 2013].

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Entry 14 - How Asian american women being portray in media exploiting to sexual identity

Nowadays, asian women's are often made a appearance in western movies. While this post i would like to about how asian american women being portray in western movies. 

What we have here is a scene of Lucy liu in Charlie's Angels. In this clips, Lucy liu wore a tight leather suits that represent a sexuality image due to tight leather suits are categorize as  sexual bondage. While she wore this garment, we can seen from the clips she is been looked by every single guy at the company. Hence, leather garment are often acted as an erotic stimulus for people with a leather fetish. But in the other side, it shows the characteristic of Lucy Liu in Charlie angels as a sexy, strong, independent and a sexuality woman. At the start after she enter the scene, all the guys looking at her, after that it switches to her face and the gaze immediately switch to her butt. Despite that this had create a pleasure of gaze on the male audience. 

While is a good opportunities to appear in a western movies, but yet this might create a stereotype of rasicm in the western country on how they think Asian women's are. Hence, Asian woman are often portray as a exploitation of sexuality. 

Referencing 1998. Asian Americans in the Media : Asian American Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Aug 2013].

Cross Culture BDSM. 2010. Finding Leather. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Aug 2013].

Entry 13 - Filmology that propaganda feminism

While 1 of my favorite movie "The lady", This movies have been propaganda feminism, that how a small women actually been fighting for the right in a male dominated country. What i like about this movie is, how Michelle Yeoh actually bring the strong and dedication of a woman, while a scene that she show no fear of so many guns are pointing on her.  I don't want to mention more about it left to you to watch the movie !

Aung san suu kyi, is a Myanmar opposition politician that fights for democracy and feminism.  Her role as a mother, that devoted to family, role as a politician to bring freedom to the country. While how she played a role as a mother and the country, this actually shows how strong a women's can be while she wanted to protect something she love.

The reason that i included this movie in the research blog because i think that this movies actually makes me understand more about feminism. Women's might be weak in some sense, but yet their determination towards are strong that even guys cant catch up. Eventhough now it seems it relevant more to feminism on political issues, but yet this movies shows how she affected the attitude of the citizen that all placed hope on her to bring freedom to them. 

She stated this during her award of Nobel prize of awarding : "I believe women play the more important part in our world because not only are they entering the professional world, they still remain the pillars of their homes and families. So I hope the menfolk in this audience will forgive me for speaking in favor of women–for speaking out in favor of women–because I think only a woman can understand the troubles, the problems, the discrimination that other women have to face.

So, from this day onward  until all the people in the world, particularly all the women in the world, are able to achieve their full potential, I hope we will be able to work together closely and in the true spirit of sisterhood."
This is has also shown that, how importantly that women plays a role in a men daily life. I could say that without a women, men wouldn't be here. I might not be a woman, after researching all these and i started to understand about the hardship of a woman living in the society. While i hope all the men out there could understand more and stop gender discrimination.

Referencing : 
Hallett, S. 2011. Aung San Suu Kyi Speaks to Feminists. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

BIO. 1997. Aung San Suu Kyi Biography. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].
IMDb. 2011. The Lady (2011). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

Entry 12 - Analysis after researching

Upon feedback of the topic that i chose, i would like to point out a few things that actually influences the lifestyle of a person.

a.) Trends

While a few post that mentioning about the trends of fashion ( Lolita, luxury), this actually brings a big influences on people during modernism era. How Lolita actually influence girls in Japan, despite that Japan are a country that full of sub culture, in order to stand out, they need a "key". And this key is getting a agreement from different country, while nowadays how Lolita actually influence different aspect such as Lolita maid theme restaurant, co splaying during comic festival and many more.

Besides, having different aiming of target audience, luxury has it own potentials of getting through. In china, people in China are mostly influence by fame person or a celebrities. Not to say that China had already started to chasing up in different aspect such as business, fashion and other more. While this had more on to create a revolution to push back the old conservative thinking while twisting it into a new "conservative" era.

b.) Roles 

Still i would like to emphasize, empowered women's are still fighting for the gender equality. While this also give a very big influences on the fashion based media. Without the gender discrimination, woman's are likely to more daring to show them self without fear the discrimination from the society. Still, the tradition role of women are still housewife, but not anymore "just" house wife. Women's nowadays can work in the industry and feed the family with their own hand.

While having a higher status, women's are likely able to get what they want ( what i mention before in China luxuries are still a potential market to be open up), this had also a advantage of increasing the target consumer market, and also a increase of economic.

c.) Supporting

Well, the main problem of having gender inequality is still the conservative thinking of a men forbidding women to go on higher then himself.  While men are also needed to be educated to support and understand gender discrimination  might cause lot unnecessary  problem even in which area it is.

Entry 11 - Women versus role in 20th century

The general role of women in the 20th century society.

No matter how many century has pass, women's role in South east Asia were still under man. But nowadays women's in south east are starting to fights for their rights of women no matter in politics, religion nor industry. But yet, majority of women still preferable to have primary role housewife equal with jobs. In the modern society, modern woman's are not anymore rely on man, they can work in the industry, involve in political issues and also trying to do what men can do. This has shown, women are evolving and started to live equally as man, but somehow conservative thinking are still a legacy in this modern society.

Gender Equality.

Despite women's are not anymore conservative, but yet archiving gender equality it is still a challenge. 
While there is still much culture and religions are a threat for archiving gender equality. Still, some rural area women has least education and yet it become a disadvantages to access social protection. Probably in the future, women's are able to archive in gender equality in a conservative society.

Disadvantages for woman 

While gender discrimination has really cause allot problem for women. Firstly is women's are given less quality education and been encourage to get married so that they would encountered less violence. By concerning about the healthcare of women are died of maternal, this is because women's did not get a proper treatment because of discrimination treatment while women's are in need of health care and other stuff. From statistics, women die in childbirth 500 for every 100,000 lives. Despite every mother that din't live through the birth, the newborn baby are unlikely to continue surviving or been given a chance of live. While this has created another conflict of "missing" or "miscarriage".

Referencing : 2013. Gender Equality | Social Development in Asia-Pacific. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

.Ceulemans, M. and Fauconnier, G. 2013. Mass media: The image, Role and Social Condition of woman. Paris France: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural organisation.

Council on Foreign Relations. 1997. What Works in Girls' Education. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

Entry 10 - China Machado,legendary model

Once dubbed 'probably the most beautiful woman in the world', model China Machado partied with Warhol and Picasso, lost out in love to Ava Gardner, and now, at 82, is still in hot demand on the catwalk.  BY JANE MULKERRINS

China Machado born Noelie Dasouza Machado,if she wasn't break out during the 50's 
Right now in the western there will never be a asian model. While her role in the society
were a outstanding model that changed the perception of having the first Asian (non-Caucasian)  model to be the most requested models in the runway during the 50's. 

This is still when she was young.

How did she inspired women ?

Her role as a mother at home, and a top model in the society. How did she actually influences the attitudes of a woman ? 

She 82 years old, probably the oldest signed model. Just because she is the most oldest signed model, it inspired younger generation to have self confident. While i read a few articles about her mentioning that 'I've never dieted, never exercised, I eat like a pig, and I drink - mainly vodka,' declares China Machado. How many older woman will look like her, never go for a diet never went for exercise and eat everything they like, no matter how it is, women's just complain about  "do this dress makes me fats?" or "which shirt should i wear to make me slim?", this result aged woman have less self esteem towards them self. While she really had inspired a lot of younger generation to be confident and have self esteem, be yourself.

Referencing :
CNN, M. 2011. China Machado: The woman signed as a model at 81. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013]. 2013. China Machado - Model. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Aug 2013].

Entry 09 - Malaysia fashion analysis

Firstly i would like to mention in this post were about the region that i chose to further development, i would likely to focus more on Japan and China.

Comparing to the local fashion industry, Malaysia are far way back.Despite that, Malaysia fashion industry are way more conversative comparing to Japan and China. Here is a few picture that  shows how malaysia was.

here has a few 2012 international fashion show. My opinion on this are, they looked precise, but the style of each dress are still revolve towards each other. From first we can see that, it still consist of the Islam culture into a swim suit. While the third people, a Japanese look alike kimono and paper umbrella and a woman with tudung. While this has shown the designers are still revolve around Islamic culture, but yet dint go a foot deep. While this is also the reason that i wouldn't want to do much about Malaysia Fashion that i personally think is a bit too boring and it just look like a normal street wear.